Look back at the 2020 edition of the Leg Ulcer and Compression Days

Look back at the 2020 edition of the Leg Ulcer and Compression Days

Look back at the 2020 edition of the Leg Ulcer and Compression Days 2560 1708 The Urgo Foundation

Leg ulcers, a burden for patients

Leg ulcers are wounds related to a vascular cause that can lead to severe complications.

As a chronic condition, it is a real burden for patients, caregivers, and health authorities. A leg ulcer can take up to 210 days to heal.

Despite the major impact of this condition on patients, with the right compression therapy and management, reducing healing time is possible!

Raising awareness among healthcare professionals

With this in mind, and with the support of the Urgo Foundation, the 4th edition of the Leg Ulcer and Compression Days took place on 9 December 2020 in Spain.

Leg Ulcer and Compression Days, Spain

This fully digitalized edition aimed to raise awareness and provide healthcare professionals with the best practices in the care of patients suffering from venous leg ulcers.

The programme :

Sharing of experience and good practices between healthcare professionals, testimonials and conferences on the latest scientific news about leg ulcers management.