French future doctors say YES to compression!

French future doctors say YES to compression!

French future doctors say YES to compression! 1680 787 The Urgo Foundation

Patients with venous leg ulcers face considerable suffering and a reduced quality of life. Many of these patients do not receive appropriate treatment, resulting in longer healing times, increased risk of complications and higher treatment costs.

The Leg Ulcer and Compression Days are an international event organized each year by the URGO Foundation. Their aim? To raise awareness and train healthcare professionals in the care and treatment of patients with venous leg ulcers.


In 2023, Leg Ulcer and Compression Days were back in France.

For this new edition, the URGO Foundation has teamed up with healthcare professionals renowned for their expertise. Dr Meaume (Hôpital Rothschild, CHU Sorbonne Université, Paris), Dr Carvalho (CHU de Rouen) and Dr Michon-Pasturel (Hôpital Saint-Joseph, Paris) have co-constructed the training program.

Three student associations were then consulted: FDVF (Future dermato-venereologists of France), AFIMV (French association of vascular medicine interns) and AJG (Association of Young Geriatricians).

A total of 10 training courses were organized throughout France, providing training for over 100 interns.

The training programme included:

  • Diagnosis of leg ulcers
    > Good wound care reflexes
    > Clinical and complementary examinations
  • Etiological management of leg ulcers
    > Choosing a compression system
    > Optimum strip installation
  • Local management
    >Which dressing for which wound?

The majority of participants were very satisfied with their participation in this training course and with what they learned!