Osteoarthritis: an evening to raise awareness on chronic pain!

Osteoarthritis: an evening to raise awareness on chronic pain!

Osteoarthritis: an evening to raise awareness on chronic pain! 1500 796 The Urgo Foundation

Among its commitments, the URGO Foundation joins forces with healthcare professionals to support awareness-raising and training initiatives to treat acute and chronic pain.

With this in mind, on November 16, 2023, the URGO Foundation organized an evening event in Paris on chronic pain linked to osteoarthritis, aimed at pharmacy teams and general practitioners.

Presentations by pain specialists provided a wealth of information on this disabling condition. Pr. Serrie (Head of Department – Hôpital Lariboisière, Paris – Pain and palliative medicine), Dr. Grange (rheumatologist, MD, PHD, CHU Grenoble-Alpes) and Dr. Sichere (rheumatologist, Hôpital Lariboisière, Paris), have spoken with a variety of objectives in mind:

  • Raise awareness and provide information on the chronic pain of osteoarthritis and its impact on patients’ quality of life.
  • Raise awareness on the importance of multi-disciplinary care, highlighting the crucial role played by pharmacy teams and general practitioners in detecting and relieving the pain of these patients, some of whom may have lost their way in terms of treatment,
  • Provide training in the use of transcutaneous electrotherapy as a non-drug alternative to relieve their pain.

Françoise Alliot-Launois, President of the AFLAR association (French Anti-Rheumatic Association) also spoke about the future of osteoarthritis and its management.

At the end of the presentations, a unique surprise awaited the participants!

Dr. Sichere and Lucky Luck cartoonist ACHDE  co-created a comic strip on pain entitled “AÏE”. Both were present at the event to offer and autograph a book to each participant!

A real preview, since the comic was only unveiled to the general public in January!

[VIDEO] Relive the evening (in French):