URGO employees run to support endometriosis research!

URGO employees run to support endometriosis research!

URGO employees run to support endometriosis research! 2560 1136 The Urgo Foundation

The URGO Foundation invited URGO employees to the ENDOrun, a solidarity run to raise awareness on this inflammatory gynecological disease.

Three figures illustrate the importance of raising awareness on this pathology:
  • Endometriosis affects 10% of women of childbearing age
  • It takes an average of 7 years to diagnose endometriosis
  • 40% of women with endometriosis suffer from chronic disabling pain.

In 2014, to raise awareness on this disease and support research, the EndoMIND patient association was born.
In 2019, its founders decided to launch a solidarity race: the ENDOrun. The aim? To raise funds for research and support for patients suffering from this pathology.

This year, the URGO Foundation is proud to be a partner of this solidarity race.

Committed to supporting and training healthcare professionals on a daily basis to help patients heal better, the URGO Foundation is involved in the fight against endometriosis.

It carries out actions to raise awareness and train healthcare professionals to ensure faster diagnosis and optimized patient care. It also supports research on endometriosis, in partnership with INSERM (French National Institute of Health and Medical Research).

URGO employees put on their running shoes to support this cause.

On November 4th, 900 runners, including several Urgo employees, took part in the ENDOrun race in Paris.

Outside the capital, a race is proposed by the association. Anyone can take part and run the distance they wish. It was in this context that around 100 URGO employees based at the Chenôve site (near Dijon) took part in the ENDOrun on Friday November 10th.

In total, URGO employees run almost 400 kilometers together, the equivalent of  9 marathons!

It was a great demonstration of solidarity, and helped put the spotlight on the suffering endured by women with endometriosis.