Endometriosis: more awareness for a better care!

Endometriosis: more awareness for a better care!

Endometriosis: more awareness for a better care! 1600 1200 The Urgo Foundation

7 years – that’s the average time it takes to diagnose endometriosis in France. 7 years during which patients suffer from misdiagnosis, resulting in inadequate management of their symptoms.

Among its commitments, the Fondation URGO is committed to raising awareness and training healthcare professionals to diagnose endometriosis more quickly and optimize patient’s care.

It’s in this context that the Fondation URGO took part in the GENESIS congress in Paris on September 14 and 15. Focusing on women’s health, the congress aims at boosting initial and ongoing training for healthcare professionals specialized in gynecology. 

A symposium to raise awareness on endometriosis

September 14 was dedicated to cycle disorders. To mark the occasion, the Fondation URGO organized a symposium to raise awareness on the mechanisms of endometriosis pain and its management.

Dr. Amélie Levesque and Pr. Stéphane Ploteau, both specialists in chronic pelvic-perineal pain at Nantes University Hospital, led the symposium.

More than 200 healthcare professionals attended, including gynecologists, midwives, general practitioners and osteopaths:

  • The clinical elements required for the correct diagnosis of endometriosis,
  • The physiopathology of pain and the different mechanisms that influence the painful feeling in endometriosis,
  • The main lines of drug therapy,
  • The importance of non-medicinal solutions in patient care, including transcutaneous electrotherapy.

At the end of the symposium, a bag was handed out to all participants, containing essential diagnostic elements such as a VAS (Visual Analog Scale) to assess patients’ pain in consultation, and a prescription pad to calculate the PP* convergence score, a diagnostic tool to identify pelvic sensitization.

Are you a healthcare professional interested in this topic?

The URGO Foundation invites you to a symposium to be held during the INFOGYN National Congress, from October 5 to 7 in Pau!

*Convergence PP: European academic society dedicated to research into pelvic-perineal pain.
The Convergence PP score is the result of work carried out jointly by Dr. Amélie Levesque and the  Convergence PP academic society. It is designed to detect and provide appropriate multimodal treatment, promote adjuvant therapy and anticipate post-operative pain by identifying risk factors for chronic pain.