The URGO Foundation at the National Congress of the Senegalese Pediatric Society!

The URGO Foundation at the National Congress of the Senegalese Pediatric Society!

The URGO Foundation at the National Congress of the Senegalese Pediatric Society! 2560 1700 The Urgo Foundation

The URGO Foundation takes part in the National Congress of the Senegalese Pediatric Society!

For many years, the Urgo Foundation has been – and still is – committed the Côte d’Ivoire Red Cross. In 2022, this commitment has been extended to Senegal. The aim? To improve the nutritional situation of children under 5 and pregnant and breast-feeding women.

It is in this context that the URGO Foundation participated in the National Congress of the Senegalese Pediatric Society. Organized from July 13th to 15th 2023 in Dakar, the event focused on the environment and respiratory diseases in children, which represent a real public health problem in Senegal.

Over 400 healthcare professionals, including many pediatric specialists, attended the event. All were able to take part in various workshops, round tables and conferences designed to :

  • Share useful best practices: diagnosis, treatment, follow-up care…
  • Suggest areas for improvement,
  • Encourage prevention to protect children from current and future environmental changes.

Alongside the Senegalese Red Cross, the Urgo Foundation ran a stand to discuss the problems of child malnutrition with national and international pediatricians.

For Typhaine Le Vaillant, head of the Urgo Foundation’s Africa projects, “taking part in this congress is key to encouraging the sharing of knowledge and getting things to move! We were delighted to be able to present the actions we’re taking, particularly in terms of support and training for healthcare professionals. After a year of partnership with the Senegalese Red Cross, more than 120 healthcare professionals have already been trained in the problems of severe acute malnutrition, and more than 2,000 children have been screened during an active mass screening campaign”.