Chronic wound management during the health crisis

The URGO Foundation and Qare join forces to support healthcare professionals

Chronic wound management during the health crisis

Chronic wound management during the health crisis 2560 1440 The Urgo Foundation

A limited access to care since the beginning of the health crisis

In the current health crisis, one of the major challenges for healthcare professionals is to maintain contact with their patients, particularly those with chronic wounds.

The Covid crisis had a major impact on access to care for these patients. Many woundcare services in hospitals have been suspended and patients have limited their outings to avoid risk of contamination. According to an Ipsos survey conducted in May 2020, almost half of patients with chronic diseases gave up part of their care during the initial lockdown.

Fondation URGO Qare

A unique partnership between the Urgo Foundation and Qare

To deal with this unprecedented situation, the Urgo Foundation has joined forces with Qare, a pioneer in teleconsultation in France, to offer to healthcare professionals who care for patients with chronic wounds a free access to the Qare* teleconsultation solution.

For more than 10 years, the Urgo Foundation has been committed to helping patients and healthcare professionals to improve knowledge of wound healing and to spread the best practices for a better wound management for all. This partnership with Qare, which aims at supporting healthcare professionals during the crisis, is a natural extension of this commitment.

Free* access to the Qare teleconsultation solution

Qare is a teleconsultation solution accessible to all patients across France, which offers, in addition to face-to-face consultations, expertise in more than 50 different specialties (physical and mental health). Designed and developed by and for healthcare professionals, Qare can be accessed directly online and does not require any additional hardware.

The availability of the Qare teleconsultation solution will thus accelerate and facilitate the link between healthcare professionals and patients, despite the distance imposed by the health context.

A response to the needs of patients: to limit patient travel while continuing to ensure the management of their wounds.

A response to the needs of healthcare professionals: maintaining contact with their patients, monitoring their wounds and, if necessary, initiating new treatments.

Since January 2020, the use of teleconsultation has been multiplied by three among patients and more than five among doctors.