The URGO Foundation committed to fight epidermolysis bullosa in China alongside the DEBRA Foundation

The URGO Foundation committed to fight epidermolysis bullosa in China alongside the DEBRA Foundation

The URGO Foundation committed to fight epidermolysis bullosa in China alongside the DEBRA Foundation 1920 1460 The Urgo Foundation

The URGO Foundation committed to fight epidermolysis bullosa in China alongside the DEBRA Foundation

We have to struggle together to help children and their parents. We have to combine the good will and know-how of all of us: the fantastic daily work of doctors and nurses; training actions to implement the right care protocols and best practices, and the involvement of the URGO Foundation and DEBRA to fully support parents.” Pierre Moustial, member of the board of the URGO Foundation.

A recognition award for the involvement of the URGO Foundation in China

September 20 at the French Embassy in China, the URGO Foundation represented by Pierre Moustial, member of the board of the URGO Foundation accepted a recognition award from DEBRA China for its commitment in the country. It was held in presence of Zhou YinChun, DEBRA China Chairman, Yang Menzhu, DEBRA China Executive Director, and Benoit Sevcik, French Counselor for Health at the French Embassy in China.

A strong commitment to fight epidermolysis bullosa alongside DEBRA China

Since 2015, the URGO Foundation is deeply committed in China to fight epidermolysis bullosa, a rare genetic skin disease. This painful condition is characterized by an extremely fragile and sensitive skin; it blisters and peels easily. Each friction of the skin against clothing becomes a wound that cannot heal.

This partnership resulted in actions for patients, their families and caregivers. The URGO Foundation has made donations of more than 200,000 bandages and organized training sessions for local healthcare professionals and parents, to improve knowledge and best practices on care protocols to treat these children.

Since several years, the URGO Foundation is committed to healthcare professionals in France, Turkey, Poland, China or Vietnam to implement awareness and training actions on epidermolysis bullosa.