Mission compression arrives for the first time in Italy!

Mission compression arrives for the first time in Italy!

Mission compression arrives for the first time in Italy! 1698 797 The Urgo Foundation

Mission Compression, with the aim to raise awareness of the need for compression and standardize its use for Veinous Leg Ulcer patients, was launched for the first time in Italy at the XVII National Congress AIUC (Italian Skin Ulcer Association), 11-14 October 2023.

The big project launch session took place on the 12th October 2023 in person and in streaming.

In the form of a round-table discussion, the event was led by 10 Key Opinion Leaders* representing the top experts in compression therapy in Italy. The audience, made up of healthcare professionals, was able to participate and interact with the specialists.

As emerged from the speakers’ speeches – and as confirmed by the audience in the room and the survey done by the participants after the event – training on the latest evidence about compression therapy is lacking. It emerged that training must be a constant in professional practice and training cannot be a one-shot event and/or confined to defined spaces and times, but must be something alive and vital, adapting to changes, innovations, new evidence and the needs of learners.

That’s the objective of the Mission Compression program, which received the endorsement of AIUC (Associazione Italiana Ulcere Cutanee) and the adhesion by other 4 scientific societies:

  • AISLeC (Associazione Infermieristica Studio Lesioni Cutanee)
  • CIF (Collegio Italiano di Flebologia)
  • ICC (International Compression Club)


The event was a great success with more than 300 participants and more than 1470 views of the online session.  The audience has shown great interest in the project, and expectations are high for the coming years.

*Key Opinion Leader: expert in a specific field of activity.