Irish healthcare professionals trained in compression!

Irish healthcare professionals trained in compression!

Irish healthcare professionals trained in compression! 1280 720 The Urgo Foundation

Irish healthcare professionals trained in compression!

Patients with venous leg ulcers face considerable suffering and a reduced quality of life. Many of these patients do not receive appropriate treatment, resulting in longer healing times, increased risk of complications and higher treatment costs.

The Leg Ulcer and Compression Days are an international event organized each year by the URGO Foundation. Their aim? To raise awareness and train healthcare professionals in the care and treatment of patients with venous leg ulcers.

Focus on the training courses organized in Ireland

At the end of March, two training courses were organized in Ireland, in Belfast and Dublin.

Nearly 100 healthcare professionals were trained in compression techniques by healthcare professionals who are experts in their field.

These courses aimed at:

  • Understanding therapeutic compression and maintaining consistency in care.
  • Understanding the importance of dialogue between the patient and the clinician to promote an effective care partnership.
  • Exploring the clinical evidence of compression therapy and why it matters.

When asked about their satisfaction at the end of the training, all respondents said they had learned something new during the course and would apply what they had learned in their day-to-day practice.

For Matthew Ireland, in charge of the project within the Urgo Foundation, “these trainings are essential, that’s why  they will be repeated next year, to train as many health professionals as possible!”