A university postgraduate course for a better care of venous ulcers!

A university postgraduate course for a better care of venous ulcers!

A university postgraduate course for a better care of venous ulcers! 1024 462 The Urgo Foundation

A university postgraduate course for a better care of venous ulcers!

In collaboration with the Alfonso X El Sabio University, the Urgo Foundation proposed a university postgraduate course in Madrid, Spain. From January to June 2023, primary care and hospital nurses specialized in wounds with a high level of decision-making power took part in this training.

The objective? To create a group of experts on early treatment of venous ulcers with compression therapy.

During a semester, the students received blended learning, led by health professionals, experts in their field.  On the agenda:

  • 10 online sessions
  • 2 theorical face-to-face session
  • 1 practical face-to-face session at the university
  • 2 practical sessions in primary care / hospital centers

Students of the post-graduate acquired new competences. Indeed, they had the opportunity to:

  • Learn about the anatomy and physiology of the vascular system.
  • Study the pathophysiology of chronic venous insufficiency and the proper diagnosis of venous ulcers.
  • Know the different types of evidence-based compression therapy and its correct application.
  • Correctly monitor lesions with venous component
  • To promote patient adherence.
  • Evaluate the evidence and national and international clinical practice guidelines on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of patients with chronic venous insufficiency and its complications.
  • Avoid the development of recurrences.

The participants showed great interest in the program, with an overall satisfaction of 93% and very positive feedback:

“I have met wonderful colleagues, it has been a great experience very rewarding both professionally and personally.”

The teachers have been at the height, completely exceeding my expectations, great professionals and people.”

This postgraduate course is a real asset to ensure early treatment of venous ulcers, resulting in an improved healing time, a lower risk of complications and a reduction of treatment costs.