Enhancing Healthcare Services in Taabo, Côte d’Ivoire

Enhancing Healthcare Services in Taabo, Côte d’Ivoire

Enhancing Healthcare Services in Taabo, Côte d’Ivoire 2560 1335 The Urgo Foundation

Rehabilitation and Equipment of Taabo Village Health Center

In June 2024, the Fondation URGO continues to support the Côte d’Ivoire Red Cross in its health mission among the population and health professionals. The Knowledge Attitudes and Practices (KAP) survey carried out at the start of the Maternal and Child Resilience project revealed major problems within the communities. Generally speaking, households had a low level of knowledge, attitudes and practices in terms of hygiene and sanitation. In addition, drinking water supplies are inadequate in the villages, and health services are difficult for communities to access due to the remoteness of the health centers. Added to this is the lack of an attractive, clean and welcoming healthcare environment, which discourages the use of health centers.

Faced with these facts, the Côte d’Ivoire Red Cross (CRCI) decided to intervene to improve these conditions, with the technical and financial support of the Urgo Foundation. The rehabilitation and equipping of health centers to meet these challenges was therefore undertaken. As part of this project, the maternity hospital building was refurbished with plumbing, waterproofing, painting and electrical work.

Left photo: the rehabilitated Taabo Village health center. Right photo: Nurses taking anthropometric measurements.

On June 15, 2024, a delegation led by the 2nd national vice-president of the Côte d’Ivoire Red Cross, Mr. ZANHOUYA Tjehidé Roger Camille, visited Taabo village to officially hand over medical equipment to the health center. The ceremony was attended by various stakeholders, including Dr GORI Yapi Marcel, Program Coordinator, and DJABATE Moussa, Communications Officer.

The main aim of this initiative is to improve the quality of care by rehabilitating infrastructures and providing adequate equipment. The president of the Taabo local Red Cross committee, Mr. KOUASSI Dénis, expressed his gratitude for this humanitarian action, which is part of the continuity of the Maternal-Infant Resilience project, in place since 2018.

Dr BREGNON Germaine, Director of Taabo General Hospital, representing the Prefect of Taabo Department, thanked the URGO Foundation for its invaluable support, stressing the importance of these actions to improve front-line health services. For his part, the Taabo village chiefdom, represented by Nanan Yobouet ADA, ensured the proper use of the equipment received and offered his blessings to the benefactors.

Left photo (from left to right): YAO Gisèle Félicité volunteer on the Taabo Village project, ZANHOUYA Tjehide Roger Camille 2nd national vice-president CRCI, Dr BREGNON Germaine Director of Taabo General Hospital and ABIA Anne Annette volunteer on the Taabo Village project. Right photo: Taabo Village Chief YOBOUET ADA with the crown and his notability.

The 2nd deputy mayor, Mr. N’DOLI, also expressed his gratitude for this fruitful collaboration, which contributes to improving the working conditions of health workers and the quality of services offered to local populations. This initiative is in line with the Ivorian government’s vision for the health sector.

With this project, the Fondation URGO reaffirms its commitment to improving the living and health conditions of communities in Côte d’Ivoire, in collaboration with the Côte d’Ivoire Red Cross.