A summer camp for kids with Epidermolysis Bullosa in Poland!

A summer camp for kids with Epidermolysis Bullosa in Poland!

A summer camp for kids with Epidermolysis Bullosa in Poland! 960 550 The Urgo Foundation

This summer, the Debra association organized in Poland its annual Epidermolysis Bullosa* summer camp, with the support of the URGO Foundation. Organized from July 13th to 20th in Łazy (near the Baltic Sea), this summer camp aimed at providing a week’s worth of comfort and support for these children and their families, alongside healthcare professionals specializing in the disease.

In all, some 90 children and their parents took part in a wide range of activities, including rehabilitation sessions, meetings with doctors, training and practical advice, teambuilding activities and practical workshops on dressing changes.

This was a great opportunity for these butterfly children to make friends with people with the same pathology as them, and to spend some quality time together!

*Epidermolysis bullosa is a group of rare diseases that cause the skin to be fragile and to blister easily. Tears, sores, and blisters in the skin happen when something rubs or bumps the skin. They can appear anywhere on the body. In severe cases, blisters may also develop inside the body, such as in the mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestines, upper airway, bladder, and genitals.