Urgo Foundation / ACF : pride in a successful and sustainable partnership

Urgo Foundation / ACF : pride in a successful and sustainable partnership

Urgo Foundation / ACF : pride in a successful and sustainable partnership 1742 1112 The Urgo Foundation

Urgo Foundation / ACF : pride in a successful and sustainable partnership

Since 2013, the Urgo Foundation has been committed to the fight against hunger by supporting Action Against Hunger (ACF) teams in Madagascar.

How? By financing Health-Nutrition activities conducted at the CASAN (centre for social and nutritional support) in a deprived area where 60% of families suffer from severe food shortages.

Concretely   ? In 2013, our support permitted the nutritional management of more than 430 children in a state of moderate acute malnutrition and aid for 85 pregnant or breast-feeding women.

Today? Since early 2014, 205 children aged 6 to 59 months have received nutritional care and 45 pregnant  and breast-feeding women have been assisted at the CASAN thanks to a new donation.

Tomorrow? The Urgo Foundation, the first pharmaceutical partner to grant ACF such a level of support, is becoming a key player in the CASAN project. So it is with the same pride and determination that we are renewing our funding in 2015, alongside local ACF teams engaged in a daily crusade against malnutrition around the world
