
Worldwide, 10% of women of childbearing age suffer from endometriosis, a chronic disease characterized by the development of uterine lining-like tissue outside the uterus.

40% of these women suffer from chronic disabling pain.

Today, the average time taken to diagnose endometriosis is 7 years. 7 years during which patients suffer from misdiagnosis, resulting in inadequate management of their symptoms.

As a result, the URGO Foundation has been committed since 2021:

to raise awareness and train healthcare professionals to diagnose the disease more quickly and optimize patient care,


to raise public awareness by providing information on the pathology and pain management using electrotherapy,

to support Research about endometriosis, in partnership with INSERM (National Institute of Health and Medical Research).

Transcutaneous electrotherapy, a non-medicated alternative for pain relief

As an alternative to drug treatments, electrotherapy or “Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation” (TENS) is the use of gentle electrical currents to relieve pain. In clinical practice, the current is delivered through electrodes that are placed on the surface of the skin near the affected area.

Once reserved for healthcare professionals, this proven[1] pain-reducing solution is now available in small, mobile versions, making it possible to use it at home for greater patient comfort.


[1] Johnson MI, Paley CA, Howe TE, Sluka KA : Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation for acute pain. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2015 : Issue 6 Art. No. : CD006142

A podcast
to raise public awareness

The URGO Foundation supports Parlons d’Endo, a podcast dedicated to the disease, by enabling the creation of a third season.

In this new season, Tiphaine Lebrun-Chaillou, an endometriosis patient and creator of the podcast, talks to Dr. Amelie Levesque, an algologist at Nantes University Hospital, and Dr. Axelle Brulport, a research fellow at INSERM, trusted partners of the Fondation URGO. They put their expertise at the service of women in these episodes. The objectives:

  • To better understand the disease and the pain it causes,
  • To establish a picture of the research on endometriosis,
  • To provide information on how to live better with endometriosis.

Discover the episodes on the page of Parlons d’endo podcast!