Mother and child health

Since 2019, the Urgo Foundation has been working in Côte d’Ivoire alongside the Red Cross to improve the health of mothers and children aged 0 to 5, around nutrition issues. In 2022, this commitment was extended to Senegal.

Training for healthcare professionals:

– Organization of training courses run by qualified doctors to raise awareness among local healthcare professionals of the various issues relating to malnutrition,
– Sharing of best practices at pediatric congresses,
– Material support through the financing of various equipment (anthropometric equipment, etc.).

Improved care for local populations :

– Creation of mothers’ clubs to share and spread good nutrition practices,
– Organization of mobile consultations and screening for acute and chronic malnutrition.

In Côte d’Ivoire, to facilitate access to mother and child care services, mobile clinics are organized on a regular basis. In partnership with the Red Cross, they aim at diagnosing and treating cases of malnutrition.

In Senegal, a screening campaign led to the examination of 2,200 children in Diama Gadio and Kathiotte. Children suffering from severe acute malnutrition were identified, treated and will be followed during the treatment process.